Scottish Autism This is one of the national autism charities and, as well as offering a telephone advice service and running Fife’s Autism One Stop Shop, they also directly deliver other services in Fife. Right Click is an online programme for parents and carers to provide information and support at times when they need it most. It aims to share knowledge and experience which will enable parents to further understand autism and develop effective skills and strategies to support their family. Over 50 videos and a range of support materials have been put together to create two distinct programmes: the Young Child programme and the Teen programme. 

The National Autistic Society This is the website for The National Autistic Society (NAS). It provides a wealth of information which is well worth exploring. Ask Autism is an online training initiative from the NAS. It offers a suite of online training modules developed and delivered by people on the autism spectrum. Ask Autism provides an ‘insiders’ perspective of autism to give a unique understanding of how people on the autism spectrum would like to be understood and supported. The NAS on-line shop offers a range of books and other resources too.

Autism Network Scotland  Autism Network Scotland acts as an information sharing hub to connect and communicate with those interested in the field of autism. They are a signpost for autism professionals and practitioners, people with autism, their families and carers toward examples of good practice, resources and useful information. If you register with them, they send you regular email updates on news and events around autism, including training and knowledge share sessions.


(Parent Awareness Programme for Autism Spectrum) is a series of workshops for parents of children with ASD aged 9 to 14.

*Parents will usually be referred on to these training opportunities at the time of diagnosis. If not,   contact the Autism One Stop Shop for a referral form if you are interested in the EarlyBird, EarlyBird Plus or PAPAS programmes.

Films, Documentaries, Books and Games:

There are a large number of books available about ASD and related subjects and also a number of films and documentaries for those who prefer to watch rather than read. There are also an increasing number of suggested games and activities to encourage emotional and social development and communication skills. One mother described a ‘good book on autism’ as a book that gives you a few of pieces of really useful information. It is worthwhile reading widely as no single book or website will give you all the answers and some will seem more useful than others. about autism This is a useful list of films and documentaries about autism which are good to watch and share with family and friends. Many are available to purchase on Amazon and some are available on Jessica Kingsley Publishing is a specialist publisher. They have almost 80 pages of books and other resources in their Autism and Asperger Syndrome Catalogue. The catalogue can be downloaded from their website or you can order one to be sent to your home. If you sign up to their mailing list, they email a regular autism newsletter to let you know about new resources. Books and other resources can be directly purchased from this supplier although it is worthwhile comparing prices with Amazon who are sometimes cheaper. Amazon has many books on ASD although somewhat overwhelming with over 8,700 books listed if you search ‘autism’! This is an Australian website which also provides a wealth of resources on ASD and related subjects. Although you cannot directly purchase items from this website, they have some great resources which are well presented and categorised. This website seems less overwhelming than directly searching for books and resources on Amazon! However, if you like some of the resources on this website, take a note of the title and author, and you will find most items available from Amazon to order. Buying books can be expensive and not every book is a great one while others are invaluable. The Autism Collection is housed at Duloch Library, Nightingale Place, Dunfermline, KY11 8LW. You can also request books through your local library or on-line at Fife Direct/Libraries.