Rotary Club of Glenrothes race night.

Good evening everyone. The Rotary club of Glenrothes are holding a Race Night Friday 7th April @ The Gilvenbank Hotel, Glenrothes. 6.30pm for 7pm start.

This event is raising funds for Autism Rocks (Fife) and Fife gingerbread .

All details are on the flyer if anyone would like to attend.

Activities Project

We would like to provide an activities project to our families, for both at our centre and outwith. Involving trips out, sensory play, visitors to the centre etc . Any support you can give would be much appreciated. Please follow the link below to donate. Many thanks .

Surf therapy projects

Autism Rocks (Fife) are referral partners with the Wave Project , providing surf therapy to individuals. We would like to be able to support our families who get a place on the sessions so any support you can give would be very much appreciated. Please follow the link below to donate.