Claireville Alpacas
Pictured is one of our kids with the alpacas
We provide 3 drop in sessions a week on a Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday from 1030 am till 1pm which gives parents and carers the opportunity to come along and chat with others . We have our youth group on a Thursday evening from 530pm till 7pm for 7 year old to 12 year old. To attend these sessions, you must book places via our Facebook group (link below). Our teen and adult group for 13 years old and above is a Friday evening from 6pm till 8pm .
A visit from Claireville Alpacas on one of our family days.
Doing the Conga at teen and adult group.
We have family days every Saturday From 10am till 1pm. One Saturday is our sensory friendly session which is a smaller attendance number so those with sensory issues can still use the facilities in a quieter setting. Our following Saturday is our family fun session which is a much busier session with over 80 in attendance . To attend these sessions you must book places via our facebook page (link below). So on a weekly basis we are supporting over 150 individuals at the centre.
Kids having a blast at one of our Youth group sessions.
We provide a quiet session as well as a standard session for 7 year olds to 12 year olds.
Every area is utilised , including the sensory garden outside . Which is a massive support to many of our autistic individuals. Many of whom are sensory seekers .
We also provide external activities , including pool parties at Levenmouth Swimming Pool which are consistently booked to capacity of 120 individuals. Our families cannot access these events on a normal basis due to the social anxieties of the children and their misunderstood behaviours by the general public.
One of our amazing pool parties .
These are currently held every 12 weeks at Levenmouth Swimming Pool.
We have cinema trips , and visits from the animal man and the alpacas to our centre as well as various other activities . These are a very valuable resource to us because as previously mentioned, our families cannot access these activities normally.
Our centre is a safe non judgemental environment where our families know they can come and be themselves , and not who society expects them to be and where they are not judged or ridiculed for their behaviours be them positive or negative . We do awareness sessions to organisations and businesses to raise awareness about Autism and what we do. Within the charity, everyone is a volunteer and no wages are paid so every penny donated goes straight back into the vital services we provide to our families.
Amazing fun!!
During our family day sessions, we provide many different activities for the families to participate in while giving them something different to try.
In the Levenmouth area, Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes alone. We support 1560 families but our families come from all over Fife and some beyond.
We also support local schools and care organisations by giving their pupils/service users a place where they can come. There is nowhere in the whole of Fife like what we have , we are the ONLY Autism Support and resource centre.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
Helen Keller